The Virtues of Drafting Done Right

Building or remodeling a home is a very involved project. On one level, a broad sense of design, aesthetics, and safety is needed to direct the work. On another, though, there are numerous details that must be accounted for and properly conveyed. In designing architecture, a draftsperson helps ground ideas in reality and sets the conceptual groundwork for making the project happen.

Draftspersons are trained in creating sketches and blueprints for construction and engineering projects. This includes technical details and specifications, laid out to more concretely guide the builders in the necessary materials, equipment, dimensions, and so on. Modern drafting involves CADD (computer-aided design and drafting) software, granting more precision than drafting by hand as well as the benefits of 3D diagrams.

While this does overlap with an architect’s role, drafting cannot be overlooked in an architecture project. Detailed schematics are vital to construction. Moreover, drafting includes parts of the project outside architecture, such as circuitry or other utilities, and a draftsperson will be needed along with the architect to handle these aspects. They can be hired to help with interior renovation projects, revise existing plans or blueprints, or prepare documentation to apply for a building permit – all of these can be done without a fully licensed architect at a lower cost.

Though the certifications are different from those of an architect, you will still want to make sure you’re hiring someone with the right stuff. Know exactly what skill set you need, since specialization is not uncommon, and check out their portfolio for examples of their work. Make sure that the project requirements and timeframe are outlined. Also, even if they work off-site, some manner of progress updates can be helpful.

Architecture and draftspersons go hand-in-hand, even if they’re not immediately apparent. Just as you want a good architect behind your project, you want someone to handle the drafting smartly. The value of good draft work extends past construction and remodeling as well.